Design Apple boss Steve Jobs Reveals Memories with - Although the former Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Apple, Steve Jobs, has died four years ago, the memories he never goes out. Jobs has the impression for everyone who knew him, including Chief Design Officer of Apple, Jony Ive.
Ive in the event New Partnership Summit held Vanity Fair, revealing memories with Jobs. Four years ago or exactly when Jobs died on October 5, 2011, Ive was deeply felt loss. It was not surprising, considering he has worked with Jobs for 14 years at Apple.
Ive claimed did not expect Jobs will cap the age at that time. "He is very simple to focus on trying to make something really beautiful and great. Even the simplicity almost looks like a kid with purity," said Ive.
British man also said that he was pleased to see the expression of happiness Jobs. Even for such a thing, Jobs fixed with a simple display.
"I've never seen anyone so happy as I saw him. Because happiness is so simple when he realized things like 'This is really successful. It would be great', he continued.
Meanwhile, as people close to Jobs, Ive admitted dissatisfied with the number of films that depict the founder of Apple. He felt that these films are not accurate.
Although he did not watch films, Ive admitted talking with people who have watched it. "I feel fear about how you are defined and described 'seized' by people who are not family or friends close to you," he said, as reported by Mashable, Sunday (10/11/2015).
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